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Welcome to
Windham United Methodist Church


Silky White Fabric

"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be Praised."
Psalm 113:3

Our Mission

Our mission is to be a loving fellowship sharing Jesus Christ with the Windham Community and the world.


Join Us on Sunday Mornings for Worship
Live Streamed on Facebook

2024 Schedule

May & June - 9:00am
July - 11:30am
August - 10:00am
September through December - 8:30am

A Brief History

John Wesley was the Founder of Methodism in 1784. The Windham, Methodist Church was founded in 1843. In 1968, the name was changed to it's present name of Windham United Methodist Church. The first pastors were circuit riders, that traveled from church to church. The lay people of the church would conduct regular services on the Sundays that the pastor wasn't there. The pastor would conduct marriages, funerals baptisms and communion when he was present. A fire destroyed part of the church in 1951 but the church bell survived. The new church building was finished in April of 1955. The original church bell that survived the fire was installed at the church and is still used today.

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